. Most Sightings Usually Occur In The Area Of The White Hills Of Shelton. Existence of the Winsted Wildman—as it came to. 2 comments 0. From there, mass psychology had done the rest. Elongated head, glowing eyes, lanky body. Growing up in Milford, one of the local stories we all heard about was about a group of giant-headed mutants who lived on the outskirts of town, a band of inbred freaks who were ready to prey Deliverance-style on whoever was careless enough to wander into their midst…. West Virginia. He said most of the tale may be more fiction than fact. From the Author's Preface: "Many of the chapters of the Winsted Wildman have appeared in the Winsted Evening Citizen during the past fifteen years. com10 The Winsted Wildman Of Connecticut. In addition to the articles in the Citizen, Wentworth authored several books about local lore, such as The Winsted Wildman. Condition: Near Fine. . One of many newspaper illustrations of the “Winsted Wild Man” to appear between 1895 and 1974. This week, I take a look at a Connecticut Bigfoot legend: the Winsted Wildman! First seen in 1895 in Litchfield County, the Winsted Wildman was said to have. The Winsted Wildman may be all or none of these, but it definitely is one of the state’s more fun legends. 5 comments. 27, 1895, when the Winsted Evening Citizen ran a story—which also ran again the next day in its sister publication, the Winsted Herald —claiming that “a large man, stark naked, and covered with hair all over his body, ran out of a clump of bushes. A Winsted dignitary and Selectman named Riley Smith was walking with his trusty bulldog down Losaw Road, heading to Colebrook to transact some business. The Winsted Wildman. Dover, Massachusetts. Winsted residents speculated on who, or what, the wildman was, Cadrain said. I am not meaning to deny it, but again I have yet to. . Akin to the Bigfoot legend, a similar apelike humanoid allegedly inhabited Winsted, Connecticut in 1895. He was found six months later in Cuba, living naked in the tropics and eating raw fruits and vegetables from the jungle. Dover Demon. Most Sightings Usually Occur In The Area Of The White. This week, I take a look at a Connecticut Bigfoot legend: the Winsted Wildman! First seen in 1895 in Litchfield County, the Winsted Wildman was said to have been 6' tall, covered in long, dark hair, and emitted a loud scream. NESRA Has Found The Winsted Wildman. written by Ray Bendici. The Winsted Wildman is a famous cryptid tale, publicized in the late 1800s. Sleeping Giant, Hamden. 2022 Halloween Events. We engaged in an interesting dialogue concerning the Wild Man, concluding we both had seen this being around Winsted, usually near wooded areas, or around such places like the The Crystal Bar or The Bucket of Blood. damnedct. Hardcover. November 28, 2016. Connecticut Curiosities Legends Weird Places. Although we’ve written about the various alleged sightings of “Bigfoot” in Connecticut, there’s one particular variation on the theme that we thought might be a little more fun to explore: The Legend of the Winsted Wildman!The tale starts on Aug. The Winsted Wildman is a famous cryptid tale, publicized in the late 1800s. The original wire report had sprung from the overly fertile imagination of Lou Stone, a young reporter for the Winsted Evening Citizen. As a student of a local university down near this area, I have spent a number of nights not far from where they are claiming they have seen the following “ghost ship”. 7 to 10 feet. . Tall figure with spade-shaped head. While on their way, the distinguished Selectman occasionally stopped to pick blueberries. Since Winsted isn't far from where I camp at Bantam Lake, I look at some other Connecticut Bigfoot sightings from the area, including Torrington, Canaan, Lake Waramaug, and Kent. The Winsted Wildman is a famous. Return to The Old Leather Man. This is the official youtube channel of the Winsted Wildman Research Organization. com. Catherine Guarnieri from the Connecticut Register blogged about a the “Winsted Wildman“, supposedly a Sasquatch type creature that has been seen numerous times in and around Winsted Connecticut. Check out this great listen on Audible. Connecticut CuriositiesThe Winsted Wild Man made his first documented appearance in August of 1895, when the Winsted Herald reported that then Selectman Riley Smith, while traveling to Colebrook, stopped along the road. Connecticut Curiosities Monk Parakeets. The Winsted Wildman was first reported in the area on a hot and humid day, in August of 1895. During one such scouting trip on September 7th, just after sunrise, myself and another. In fact, the Web site does mention an official Bigfoot sighting in the area — in Litchfield in November of 1968, 73 years after Winsted's event. ”The story begins in 1895, August 1895 to be exact, and no doubt on what is known in the newspaper trade as “a slow news day”. Beckwith reportedly escaped from a New York insane asylum in 1894. The Winsted Voice. The Winsted Wildman. The Winsted Wildman and Other Tales. Near Fine /. The August 27th Winsted Evening Citizen and the August 28th Winsted Herald reported that town selectman Riley Smith was startled while picking berries when "a large man, stark naked, and covered with hair all over his body, ran out of a clump of bushes". Reportedly Stone came up with the idea because he needed to make $150 quickly, and he figured that the big-city papers would be unlikely to buy a story about. One notable incident. Winsted, in the last 10 years of the nineteenth century,was witness to many important historical events. The Winsted Wildman 302 Pages 1929-1929; The Public Be Damned 299 Pages 1937-1937; Winchester Headstone Inscriptions 256 Pages 1901-1901; Highland Lake Reflections 216 Pages. Dom July 6, 2011 - 7:43 pm. If there is one thing that. 5. This is the official youtube channel of the Winsted Wildman Research Organization. If you believe that story as being the verbatim truth, I have a document I will sell you giving title to the Colebrook River Dam (and for a reasonable price, too). First seen in 1895 in Litchfield County, the Winsted Wildman was said to have been 6' tall, covered in long, dark hair, and emitted a loud scream. So what exactly is the Wild Man of Winsted? Is it some hairy mutant that survives on the fringe of society? Is it an escaped gorilla? A New England branch of the Bigfoot family? Some guy in a. But Benjamin Thomas, Winsted's municipal historian, said the wildman story over the years took on a life of its own. I’ve never heard of the Winsted Wildman, but apparently the reports stem all the way back from the late 1800s. The original story of Winsted Wildman started back in 1895. By Jim Knipfel. With apologies to the gentle folk of Winsted. This was duly reported in the Winsted Citizen on Nov. At the dedication of the Winchester Soldier's Memorial Tower, with our state governor, lieutenant governor and chief justice in attendance, 2,000 people marched in a parade, and later 3,000 guests were served. First Edition. . Acting on the knowledge of the extensive history of bigfoot activity in northwestern Connecticut, NESRA members from Massachusetts and Connecticut converged on the area for some preliminary scouting. Abandoned Places; Connecticut Curiosities. . 5 to 7 feet. First seen in 1895 in Litchfield County, the Winsted Wildman was said to have been 6' tall, covered in long, dark hair, and emitted a loud scream. We realized that it was not the original Wild Man we saw but probably a descendant. Since Winsted isn't far from. Some newspaper reports from the time even said the wildman may have been an insane artist named Arthur Beckwith. The Winsted Herald, a weekly paper reported the following breaking news: “The Wildman – He Appears to Selectman Riley Smith and Scares Riley’s Bulldog Out of a Year’s Growth”. First Edition. Americans aren’t nearly as rational and sophisticated as we’d like to believe. Since Winsted isn't far from where I camp at Bantam Lake, I look at some other Connecticut Bigfoot sightings from the area, including Torrington, Canaan, Lake Waramaug, and Kent. "Something happened in 1895," Thomas said. The Melon Heads. Winsted Memorial Hospital 55 Pages 2001-2001; Saint Anthony's School 1887-1962 54 Pages 1962-1962; Winsted Fire Department 1862-2012 51 PagesWentworth, Frank L. The Sightings Of The "Winsted Wildman" Go Back As Far As The 1800's. Although the wildman sighting was talked about for years in Winsted, the event is not listed on the Bigfoot Field Researches Organization Internet site. 0 Facebook Twitter Email. The First Record. The author enjoyed the acquaintance of many of the men who took part in or were eye witnesses of the events described and these stories are their stories. 38K subscribers Subscribe 6 631 views 6 years ago The Sightings Of The "Winsted Wildman" Go Back As Far As The 1800's. Flatwoods Monster. Don’t Miss. Hard Cover. From the New York Herald, August 25, 1895In August 1895 Connecticut, a journalist with an imagination and a predilection for hoaxes named Lou Stone invented a story about a "wild man" who appeared to. by Ray Bendici.